Tailor-made platforms created to perfect the art of learning, networking and business development. Ardensi events are curated keeping in mind the industry’s needs, these events provide unparalleled access to information, data and learning along with detailed networking opportunities to maximize your business potential.
From ground-breaking keynotes to stakeholder panel discussions to subject-specific interactive round-tables and cafés to in-depth workshops, we have all your learning needs covered.
Unique speed networking sessions, huddle sessions, networking luncheons and dinners, networking apps and 1-2-1 meetings in each event is all that you will require to maximize your industry network.
We help buyers meet sellers through carefully understanding each client needs and matching them exactly with the other. We are a part of your decision-making process throughout the run up to the event.
Our attendees are carefully selected and generally are the main decision makers from the industry. With an extensive online and telephonic research, we get the right people directly to you at our events.
Our packages are tailor-made for your benefit and for you to achieve the most from your time. Understanding exactly what you need and matching them with the best possible solution is what we always strive for.
All things said, we believe in the human touch. Our dedicated team is always available for our clients and you will constantly find us advising, helping and most importantly smiling at all our events.
We create bespoke sponsorship packages which are in line with your business goals and objectives. From pre-qualifying all attendees to developing targeted lists and accounts to making sure we have 70% of the audience as end-users and buyers, we provide you a business-oriented events platform to enhance your sales and engagement objectives
Our events are carefully curated to ensure that you have it all Learning, Networking and Solutions. From ground-breaking keynotes and stakeholder panel discussions to subject-specific interactive round-tables and cafés to in-depth workshops, we have all your learning needs covered. Our unique speed networking sessions, huddle sessions and networking app is all that you will require to maximize your industry network.
Focussed presentations and case studies from world renowned experts and global subject matter experts to get direct and in-depth insights in to current industry developments.
Discuss, brainstorm and work together in these workshops designed to enhance your knowledge and interaction and take away proven strategies and tools to overcome your challenges.
Subject-specific roundtables led by key industry experts and market leaders to enable you to learn about latest developments, drill down into specific challenges and uncover potential solutions.
Subject specific, pre-defined moderated discussions that helps you to discover common issues and solutions in 3 rounds of discussion.
The best way to network, unwind and relax in a casual setting. Our luncheons and dinners helps you build new contacts, enjoy great food and drinks with peers and compliments days full of great content and learning.
Take the pportunity to schedule personal 1-2-1 meetings with speakers, ateendees and solution providers. Build lasting relationships and build your network in a more personlized way.
Discussions with key industry stakeholder to brainstorm and gain solutions to your challenges. Interactive Workshops: Discuss, brainstorm and work together in these workshops designed to enhance your knowledge and interaction and take away proven strategies and tools to overcome your challenges.
These sessions are specifically design to make sure you meet as many people as possible enabling you to make new contacts and friends at the event.
The exhibition floor is your gateway to the best solutions and services. Get access to cutting-edge technology and services that are at offer and take a step ahead of your competitors.